• Do not mount device beside any other electrical device or antenna
• The ComBox.L device must be vertically mounted, the antenna must be on top
• Before device placement you must observe nearby metal objects and possible RF
interference devices
• The device should be mounted and positioned in a shortest way to the base station
• Do not place the device in a shaft which is too deep under ground
• There are two buttons on the PCB. The
upper left one is MODE (1) and the lower
right one is RST (2) (Reset). The reset
button is used for rebooting the device
and resetting the counters. After the reset
is asserted, the device starts registration
to the network.
• PCB contains two battery holders for two AA size batteries. The device is powered by two SAFT
LS14500 3,6 V batteries. Observe the battery polarity when inserting the batteries. The positive
pole is on the left side and the negative pole is on the right side, at the spring (Picture 3, 4 and 5).
Picture 1. Device specifications
Picture 2. PCB
• On the front side of the ComBox.L
device (Picture 1), you can see the device
manufacturer and its DevEUI address. On
the backside of the device (Picture 1) you
can see device specifications.