• These two options allow you to set your sysem passwords. Normally, the
supervisor has a higher ability to change the CMOS setup option than the
user. The way to set up the passwords for both Supervisor and User are
as follows:
1. Choose “Change Password” in the Main Menu and press <Enter>. The
following message appears:
“ E n t e r P a s s w o r d : “
2. The first time you run this option, enter your password up to 8 characters
and press <Enter>. The screen does not display the enterd characters.
3. After you enter the password, the following message appears prompting
you to confirm the password:
“ C o n f i r m P a s s w o r d : “
4. Enter the same password “exactly” as you just typed again to confirm the
password and press <Enter>.
5. Move the cursor to Save & Exit Setup to save the password.
6. If you need to delete the password you entered before, choose the Super-
visor Password and press <Enter>. It will delete the password that you
had before.
7. Move the cursor to Save & Exit Setup to save the option you did, other-
wise the old password will still be there the next time you turn your system
8. Press <Enter> to exit to the Main Menu.
If you forget or lose the password, the only way to access
the system is to clear the CMOS RAM. All setup informa-
tions will be lost and you need to run the BIOS setup pro-
gram again.
You determine when the password is required within the
Advanced BIOS Features and its Security option.If the
Security option is set to “system”, the password will be
required both at boot and at entry to Setup. If set to “setup”,
prompting only occurs when trying to enter Setup.