SCG-5608 User Manual Ver. 1.0
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Option: Secure(TLS)
This function implements a secure communication on a TCP session via TLS(v1.2).
The counterpart should also support the TLS to implement secure communication
by this function.
Option: TCP No Delay
This function does not add a delay of about 40 milliseconds added by default
when creating a TCP segment.
If this function is used, the product sets the frame interval of serial reception
data to 2-character times and creates a TCP segment for each frame.
This function can be used when users want to transmit serial data through TCP
as quickly as possible. On the other hand, this feature increases the number of
TCP segments, which in turn may increase the network load.
Option: RFC2217
This function transmits/receives serial port settings and status information
through TCP. This feature allows remote communication of the status of RS232
control pins (RTS/CTS, DTR/DSR). The counterpart should also support the RFC2217
to use this function.
Option: Send MAC ID
This function transmits the MAC address to a remote host. This feature allows
users to identify each product among a lot of products.
This item is to set a delimiter for separating each frame from serial reception
data. This product makes a TCP segment with a frame which is separated by the
delimiter and sends it. Note that the frame size for each frame cannot be larger
than 1,024 bytes. From one byte to 4 bytes of hexadecimal format is used for
this setting.
End Of Text
1 Byte
End Of Transmission
1 Byte
Carriage Return
1 Byte
Carriage Line Feed
2 Bytes
Table 3-4 Separator[HEX] setting examples
The separator function should be used with TCP No Delay function.