Solidyne WTS-DB Quick Start Manual Download Page 3


00-WTS-DB  REV 1  11/2005  

Modes of Operation Cont’d


Figure 8 

In Mode 2, when the highest red LED is lit, the Virtual Input #1 will be +3.  Giving the 

system an indication that the user would like the setpoint to be 3 degrees warmer than 
current.  Furthermore, if the green LED is lit, Virtual Input #1 would be set to a value of 
zero (0).  And when the lowest blue LED is lit, the Virtual Input #1 would be set to –3. 

Configuring the WTS-DB operation with M2-

HH Commissioning Tool



The M2-HH commissioning tool is used to setup and configure 
the 4 modes of operation for the WTS-DB.  Please refer to the 
M2-HH documentation for details of connecting and using the 
M2-HH tool.  All of the WTS-DB settings can be modified by 
select F4 on the M2-HH tool. 
Changing the Mode of Operation 
To  change  the  WTS-DB  mode,  select  F4  on  the  M2-HH.    The 
first item on the list is the WTS-DB mode.  Change the mode 
number to whichever mode serves your application properly. 
Disable Setpoint 

In any of the 4 modes, the setpoint that is written to Virtual 
Input #1 can be disabled by selecting the ZONE SET->VS1 
setting to “N” by using the +/- key on the M2-HH. 
Disable Light Level Sensor 
To disable the built in light level sensor from writing to Virtual 
Input #2, set the LITE SENS->VS2 setting to “N” by using the 
+/- key on the M2-HH. 
Disable Zone Overrides 
To disable the user from triggering a zone override with the 
WTS-DB, set the ZONE OVRD ENABLE to “N” by using the +/- 
key on the M2-HH. 

Calibrating the Zone Temperature 
The WTS-DB temperature sensor can be calibrated by the M2-
HH if the sensor is not reading inside the desired accuracy 
range.    After  selecting  F4  for  WTS-DB  Settings,  select  the 
DOWN arrow 4 times to get to the next page of the WTS-DB 
settings.  The first item in the list is SENSOR ADJUST.  Select 
OK and enter the desired amount of offset.  Select OK when 

Sensor Update Rate 
The rate at which the zone temperature refreshes its value on 
the WTS-DB can be adjusted between 1 and 256 seconds.  In 
the second page of the WTS-DB settings, select OK on the UP-
DATE RATE setting and enter the desired amount of seconds.  
The default value is 5 seconds. 

Changing the Min and Max Setpoint Values 
WTS-DB Mode 1 uses a numerical setpoint which can have Mini-
mum and Maximum limits so that the user cannot change the 
setpoint to an extreme value.  By default the Minimum setpoint 
value is 55 and Maximum is 85.  Both of these values can be 
change to a more desirable limit.  On the second page of the 
WTS-DB settings, select OK on either the MIN SETPOINT or 
MAX SETPOINT and enter the desired values that apply to your 

Setpoint Adjust Operation 

In both Mode 1 & 2, the user can adjust the zone setpoint.  The 
WTS-DB has 3 infrared emitter/receiver “buttons”.  These are 
not traditional mechanical buttons, rather they are electronic 
components that require the user to cover a hole in the WTS-DB 
housing which will give the same effect as pushing a mechanical 
button.  These electronic “buttons” are used to both change the 
zone setpoint and set a zone override. 

To change the setpoint in either Mode 1 or Mode 2, select either 
the up or the down arrows to adjust the setpoint on the display 
of the WTS-DB to the desired value and then select the enter 
button which is the top button on the WTS-DB indicated by an 
orange square. 
Zone Override Operation 
In all Modes of operation of the WTS-DB, the user can trigger a 
zone override, typically used for after hours operation.  The 
duration of this override would be configured in the ICMS soft-
ware for Analog Input #1 and can be set for 1 to 255 minutes. 
To trigger the zone override, the user should push the orange 
square button.  The display will display “OR=” for 1 second and 

then the user can select either the up arrow to select the zone 
override to ON which will be displayed on the WTS-DB.  After 
the override is selected to ON, select the orange square button 
again to confirm the override.  To view the current override 
state, select the orange square button and the display will show 
either OFF (zone not currently in override) or ON (zone cur-
rently in override).  
