ORIGIN Installation Guide
Unpacking and Mounting Hardware
Alternate Meter Layout
As the centre meters are also built as a 3U panel, they can also be moved
into the upper 3U in the Centre Section. In the images shown, the blank
3U panel is moved into the overbridge to keep the centre meters visible if
the overbridge space is likely to be obscured (for example by a flat screen
monitor, see image below)
Cable Entry
100mm x 430mm
4.0in x 17.0in
12th U Depth** : 280mm
11th U Depth** : 270mm
10th U Depth : 260mm 10.2in
1st U Depth : 180mm 7.0in 2nd U Depth : 190mm 7.5in
3rd U Depth : 200mm 7.8in
4th U Depth : 210mm 8.2in 5th U Depth : 220mm 8.6in
6th U Depth : 225mm 8.8in
7th U Depth : 235mm 9.3in
8th U Depth : 245mm 9.6in
9th U Depth : 250mm 9.8in
12U Rack Space
Centre Section Racking
The MAXIMUM** depth for each 1U of the centre section rack space is shown below. The 11th and 12th U of rack
space are angled such that a deep unit could extend through the cable entry space in the rear of the console.
With any rack units that restrict air flow through the centre section, ventilation rack panels must be used to keep
airflow through the Master Section.
MAXIMUM depth available includes cables, connectors and cable bend radiuses.