Section 4 – System Components
This section gives an overview of the main units in the system. See Appendix A for specifications and Appendices B and C
for connector details and pinouts.
C300HD Console
Each console control surface will consist of one, two or three Master Sections and can be specified to have from 16 to 96
channel faders in groups of 8. (Note: a group of 8 faders and controls and its frame is termed a
). See Appendix A page
50 for frame sizes.
Each console channel-bay consists of four sections: Faders, Channel Control, Master Channel and the meters. As a
minimum, it is only necessary to have one Master Channel tile fitted to a console as this can be used to access any
processing channel within the frame, although, for convenience and additional flexibility, additional Channel Masters may be
fitted to any bay.
The number of physical faders fitted does not limit the number of processing channels available; this is determined solely
by the amount of DSP resource fitted to the processor.
Each Master Section may optionally be specified with a 6 or 8-channel LCD phase-scope and has additional space for
mechanical VU meters – a 6 off (5.1) VU meter panel is available to order as a standard option. Alternatively, a range of
custom meter configurations is possible; these should be detailed at the time of order. The standard phasescope types
available are the RTW 10830 or the DK Audio MSD600C.
The console frame may be specified to have 19” wide sections for script space (known as ‘Producer’s’ tables). These can
be fitted with either a full-depth flat table or a shorter table and 7U of equipment racking. Note that there is limited depth
in the Producer’s section for outboard units. Refer to appendix G for the available depth information.
The console is not fitted with dual redundant power supplies as standard. A backup power supply system is available to
order as an option.
SSL's Project Engineering Department are able to provide CAD footprint drawings of proposed console layouts during the
specification process.
System Components
Section 4
Page 13