Alpha-Link Live-R
C100 HDS Installation Manual
Section 3: Installation
Page 3-19
rio i/o c
Five I/O slots are available into which a range of input/output cards can be fitted. Any unused slots must always be fitted
with blank panels (supplied) to assist the correct airflow through the rack.
Note that when assigning output channels to be insert sends, the console’s routing system will automatically assign the same
input channel number to be the corresponding insert return. It is therefore necessary to physically wire outboard equipment so
that circuit allocation follows this arrangement.
The microphone input card provides 12 input channels accessible via standard XLR 3-pin female connectors.
The card has been specifically designed to operate in a broadcast environment and meets recognised performance
standards. The card is fitted with RF input filtering, a high-speed analogue limiter and features high input CMRR.
It is strongly recommended that the 48V phantom power is switched OFF (via the console control surface) before
connecting microphones.
i/o c
The analogue card features 24 channels of balanced line-level input and output. The connectors used for input and output
are Canon DL96 types. Mating connector kits and a contact crimp tool can be supplied (as cost options).
The default line-up level for analogue I/O is 0dBFS = +18dBu. This level may be adjusted in discrete steps that range from
+9dBu to +24dBu to match the standard operating level for the facility.
Connector pinouts are listed on page 4-10.
i/o c
The digital I/O card features 64 channels (32 AES/EBU pairs) of digital input and output. Sample rate conversion is available
on every input so the card can accept input sample rates from 32kHz to 96kHz. The connectors are all D-25 type females
and mating connectors can be supplied (as a cost option).
Two versions of the card are available: 110
and 75
. The 110
card features fully balanced output signals whereas the
card is unbalanced for correct matching to coaxial cables.
A 2U BNC breakout panel is available to interface with the 75
card. This panel converts the I/O card’s D-25 connectors
to chassis BNC plugs and can be ordered with 1m or 3m interconnecting leads.
Do not attempt to extend the panel interface leads beyond the 3m maximum; the signals are unbalanced and doing so could
increase the risk of data corruption.
Connector pinouts are listed on page 4-10.