Stop mode (flashing red LED):
Pressing and holding the left button for 3 seconds to activate the stop mode.
It is not recommended to use unless in exceptional condition.
Home ventilation
is essential to maintain acceptable air quality for your health.
You can return to normal mode by pressing the same button.
Filter alarms (flashing red LED):
When the filters are dirty, a red LED will appear on the button to the right. In the factory
setting, this alarm will be activated nine months after system is started, or after the filters
are changed. Change the filters.
If the time period of nine months does not reflect your use of the system (if the filters are
too clogged or clean), then it is possible to adjust the time period to 6, 9, 12 or 15 months,
(see section 4-1-b)
When the filters have been changed, press the button for 3 seconds to deactivate
the alarm and reset the timer to zero.
Airflow modification (green LED)
Pressing on buttons the airflow can vary as follows:
Minimum airflow
Medium airflow
Maximum airfow
By-pass (flashing green LED):
By avoiding the heat exchanger, the FLEXEO 100% bypass system allows the cool
night air to be pumped into the house without it being heated by coming into contact with
the hot air that accumulates in the house during the day.
The bypass works automatically under the following conditions:
- Tº inside > Tº outside and Tº inside > 24ºC and T. outside > 12ºC,
You can manually activate and deactivate the by-pass with
(-) Airflow adjustments (+)
Reset filters
4.1.c- During use:
The remote control allows you to:
change speed,
activate the
manually override the bypass,
see the filter alarms,
reset the filter alarms.