Operator’s Manual Marine Diesel Engines
Revision 0. 05/2016
Section 2 - Transport, Handling and Storage
2.1. Reception
When the engine is delivered make sure that the packing has not been damaged during
transport and that it has not been tampered with or that components inside the packing have
been removed (see information marked on covers, bases and cartons).
Place the packed engine as close as possible to the place of installation and remove the
packing material, checking that the goods supplied correspond to the order specifications.
If you notice damage or missing parts, inform SOLÉ S.A. after-sales departments and the
carrier immediately and forward photographic evidence of the damage.
After inspecting the goods if you notice damage, write a reservation on the delivery
note. Have the carrier countersign the note and advise SOLÉ S.A., preferably by mail
([email protected]).
2.2. Transporting and Handling the Packed Engine
When lifting and transporting the engine use EXCLUSIVELY a forklift or bridge crane of
appropriate load capacity, with chains equipped with safety hooks suitable for lifting the load.
The use of any other system automatically invalidates the insurance guarantee against
possible damage to the engine.
To unpack the engine, you must follow these steps:
Remove the cardboard crate.
Lift the engine using a forklift and suitable
chains, which hook to the engine
Transfer the engine to the intended
position of installation.
Remove the wooden base.
Begin installation operations.