5. If the air restrictor ring is required, first
determine the number of tabs that must be
bent open. Before bending any tabs, align the
mounting holes in the ring over the four
mounting holes on the back of the stove.
When selecting the tabs to bend, it is impor-
tant to maintain the most symmetrical pattern
possible. The first tabs bent must be opposite
each other and oriented horizontally. If only
one tab is specified, orient the ring over the
pilot holes so the split tabs are oriented hori-
zontally and bend up two opposing half-tabs.
Additional tabs should be evenly spaced rela-
tive to the first two. With the appropriate
tabs bent, re-align the mounting holes in over
the pilot holes keeping the proper orientation
AND with the bent tabs facing away from the stove body.
6. Place the vent starter pipe gasket on the back of the stove aligning the holes in the gasket with the
pilot holes on the rear of the fireplace.
7. Align the inner pipe of the vent starter pipe with the exhaust outlet pipe on the fireplace. The vent
pipe will fit tightly over the fireplace pipe. Gently push the starter pipe on to the fireplace pipe until the
outer pipe flange makes contact with the vent pipe gasket. Be sure that the holes in the starter pipe
flange align with the gasket and pilot holes. When the flange contacts the gasket, install the four #10
sheet metal screws to secure in place.
If the optional convection blower kit, # FS16-1000, was purchased for this installation, it should
be installed at this time. Please refer to the installation instructions supplied with the blower kit
for detailed installation instructions.
8. Refit the stoves rear panel.
Vent Starter