2 Safety information
This device consists of an empty pipe with a mini-
mum nominal size of DN 20 and is to be installed in
the fuel storage as specified by the manufacturer
of the firing system directly above the delivery line
in front of the wall or ceiling passage in such a way
that the greatest possible success can be achie-
ved in extinguishing. The empty piping must be
connected directly to a pressurized water supply
and provided with a shut-off valve arranged in the
boiler room. Mark this valve with a sign "Extin-
guisher - Fuel Storage Room".
The execution of the extinguishing system must be
done so that damage during fuel feed or from the
extraction device is not possible. In addition, make
sure that the fuel supply to the delivery line is not
Specification yes/no see TRVB 118 H.
Rotary valve
The rotary valve installed in the standard equipment ful-
fils all normative requirements for the approved fuels
regarding fire protection, burn-back safety, backflow of
Fig. 2-5: Rotary valve
Complies with requirements regarding burn-back
protection devices (BPD) according to TRVB 118
Prevents backflow of flammable products of com-
bustion into the fuel supply or into the intermediate
store (according to EN 303-5).
Prevents spreading of fire into the fuel supply or
into the intermediate store (according to EN 303-5).
Safety switch on the channel cover
Opening the channel cover interrupts the power supply
to the motor of the extraction auger.
Heating system encompassing several fire
If the boiler room and fuel storage room are located in
different fire compartments, optional equipment must
be installed in addition to the factory safety equipment,
a temperature monitor (TM)
a manually triggered extinguishing device (MED)
4.3 Dimensions
Side view
Operation manual