for male users
take care while treating the beard area;
the density of hair growth means a lar-
ge amount of melanin which absorbs the
heat. It is recommended performing the
first treatment in low energy levels (1-2).
It is not recommended to do a full beard
reduction as it may change the facial cha-
racteristics and result in a feminine look.
: Premature aging characteristics
can emerge due to complete loss of facial
During your hair removal treatment it is
normal to experience:
· A flash of light on each press of the acti-
vation button. the light will not harm the
eyes when the device is applied with full
contact to the skin on the recommended
treatment areas.
· a pop noise with each pulse – occurs
whenever a pulse is activated.
· a sensation of warmth – radiates from the
light energy after each pulse.
· a mild stinging sensation –can be felt, simi-
lar to being snapped with a rubber band.
· some mild red or pink color – appears
during and just after the treatment.
• apply a calming lotion such as aloe vera.
• avoid using peeling and bleaching
creams or products for at least 24 hours,
as this irritates the treated skin.
• avoid direct sun exposure for at least 2
weeks post treatment. If recently treated
skin is exposed to sunlight in this period
of time, make sure to apply sPf 30 or
higher sunscreen.
• Do not wax or pluck hairs from treated
remember!It may take up to 2weeks for
the hair to grow and be fully out, if the
hair follicle is still active.
• Make sure to turn off and unplug the unit
before cleaning.
• It is recommended to clean the treatment
window after every session by using a dry,
clean cloth to gently wipe the device.
• Keep the device dry. never place, store
or use the device near bathtubs, showers,
basins or other vessels containing water
as this may cause severe electrocution.
• If you do not plan on using your device
for a long period of time, it is recommen-
ded to keep it clean and stored.
• If you plan to travel and take your device
with you, you should store it in the original
box and follow the storage instructions.
If you experience any problems with this
device please refer to below information to
try to resolve it.
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