Assignable controls 1–3
Console 1 Fader can be used to remotely control se-
lected functions of your DAW, and these buttons act as
keyboard shortcuts. The default shortcuts are Rewind,
Play/Pause, and Forward, but you are free to choose
any function in your DAW, as long as it has a keyboard
shortcut attached to it.
By pressing Settings and scrolling down to Reassign-
able Assignable Buttons, you are given a few options.
Auto Detect DAW
Console 1 Fader detects your
DAW and its transport buttons
Buttons 1–3
Here you can specify a keyboard
shortcut that performs the desired
function. This could be anything,
be creative!
Please note, that when you assign shortcuts, your DAW must be
in focus (last app used) .
Special info for Mac OS users
If the OSD won’t allow you to assign these buttons to
DAW functions, you may have to tweak your System
Preferences. Click on Security & Privacy and choose
Privacy. In the left column, go to Accessibility and tick
the box next to the Console 1 On-Screen Display.app
entry on the right side. You may have to press the small
unlock icon first to accomplish this.
By ticking this box, you’re allowing Console 1 Fader to
control your computer.
Any channel, or group of channels, can be soloed. This is
super useful when tweaking individual tracks and fine-
tuning the mix.
When you have soloed a num-
ber of tracks, you may want to
compare the sound of those
tracks with the entire mix.
Hold Shift and press Solo/
OK to un-solo all tracks. The
same operation takes you back
to solo mode again.
The Solo/OK button also performs various tasks when
Console 1 Fader displays a menu with selections, e.g.
Load Drive, Settings, and Assign track(s) to layers.
Any channel, or group of channels, can be muted. This is
an essential part of any audio production and mixing job.
When you have muted a num-
ber of tracks, you can compare
that sound with the entire mix.
Hold Shift and press Mute/
Cancel to un-mute all tracks.
Hold Shift and press Mute/
Cancel to go back to your
previous mute mode.
Mute/Cancel also performs various tasks when Console
1 Fader displays a menu with selections, e.g. Load Drive,
Settings, and Assign track(s) to layers.