Display Mode
The OSD (On-Screen Display) can be shown in many
different styles that may suit different project situations.
When you press Display Mode repeatedly, you step
through those modes.
If only Console 1 Fader is connected: The first OSD
mode shows 10 channels and their settings. All editing
you perform on Console 1 Fader is reflected here. Press-
ing Display Mode again takes you to the remaining two
modes. They are small, economic meter bridges that save
a lot of screen space.
If both Console 1 and Console 1 Fader are connected:
Here, the display modes are a bit different. You are now
greeted with an OSD showing 20 channels and their
settings plus two Console 1-specific modes, and the
aforementioned economy views.
The OSD is clever enough to remember its position
and size. If you move it to your liking, maybe even to a
second screen, the OSD will appear with the same posi-
tion and size next time you start Console 1 Fader. The
independent position of the smaller modes of the OSD
(containing only the meter bridge) will also be remem-
Load Drive
Console 1 Fader comes with two Drive algorithms to
suit various purposes and tastes. They are an amalgam
of our favorite types of distortion. They are not based on
a single piece of hardware, but have been put together
as a best-of of distortions we have come across over the
Press Load Drive to select between them.
Discrete: This type excels at taming transients, but can
sound rather harsh on vocals. It’s fast and does wonders
on a drum bus.
Tube: This drive is softer and contains a lot of the warm
even harmonics. Audio sounds fuller and fatter through
If you have installed other Softube plugins with drive
functionality, such as Saturation Knob, Harmonics
Analog Saturation Processor or Tape, they can also be
loaded here.
By loading a new Drive, you get a new algorithm with
different characteristics. Try out different Drive and
Character settings on various tracks to see what suits
your project best.
Load Strip
A channel strip is a Drive section with its own set of
Low Cut and High Cut filters. Hold down Shift and
press Load Strip to load alternate channel strips.
Console 1 Fader comes with two strips: Discrete and
Tube, each with their own tonal drive characteristics (as
described in the previous section).
Discrete has a very effective 12 dB/octave low cut filter
and a 24 dB/octave high cut filter.
Tube has more natural sounding 6 dB/octave low and
high cut filters.
If you have installed additional Console 1 channel strips
(like British Class A, American Class A, Summit Audio
Grand Channel and others), they will also be seen when
you press Load Strip.