Using Console 1 Fader with
Console 1
It all started with Console 1
Musicians, engineers, and producers, who have started
using the original Console 1, seldom remove it from
their DAW. They have discovered the security and com-
fort of having superior software and responsive hardware
literally under their fingertips. Touching is believing!
With the new Console 1 Fader, the volume mixing
part of all audio work has become even easier. With the
minimal footprint of one Console 1 and one Console
1 Fader, you will be armed to shape the sounds of your
dreams with great ease and total control in your bed-
room or professional studio.
As you will soon see, the features of Console 1 and Con-
sole 1 Fader partly overlap. Both can do high and low
filtering, panning, add drive and control aux sends, so
with time, you will find your own routines and working
methods with these two units.
Connecting and instantiating
Hooking up Console 1 and Console 1 Fader couldn’t
be easier. They both require a USB cable and Console 1
Fader also needs its power supply.
Instantiating Console 1 and Console 1 Fader in your
project is also dead simple. There is only one entry in the
plugins list, “Console 1”, and the plugin functionality
depends on what consoles you have connected.