echolink one2PROFINET V. 1.0
Softing Industrial Automation GmbH
Disclaimer of liability
The information contained in these instructions corresponds to the technical status at the time of
printing of it and is passed on with the best of our knowledge. The information in these instruc-
tions is in no event a basis for warranty claims or contractual agreements concerning the
described products, and may especially not be deemed as warranty concerning the quality and
durability pursuant to Sec. 443 German Civil Code. We reserve the right to make any alterations
or improvements to these instructions without prior notice. The actual design of products may
deviate from the information contained in the instructions if technical alterations and product
improvements so require. It may not, in part or in its entirety, be reproduced, copied, or trans-
ferred into electronic media.
Softing Industrial Automation GmbH
Richard-Reitzner-Allee 685540 Haar / Germany
Internet: http://industrial.softing.com
Support: supp[email protected]
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