7. Application examples
7.1 Scope
Scope mode shows voltages and currents in the power system under test by means of waveforms. Also
numerical values are shown such as phase voltages, phase currents and frequency etc. The Scope
waveform screen offers an oscilloscope style of display of voltage and current waveforms with a fast
update rate. The screen header shows the related rms voltage/current values. Channel A (L1) is the
reference channel, starting at 0V are displayed.
Available function keys:
Selection of
waveform set
to be displayed
V displays all voltages; A displays all currents. A (L1), B (L2), C (L3), N
(neutral) give simultaneous display of phase voltage and current for the
selected phase.
Access to
When the Cursor is on, the waveform values at the Cursor are displayed
in the screen header.
Selection of
Zoom function
and Cursor
move function.
When the Cursor is selected, press left/right arrow keys to move the
cursor; when the Zoom function is selected, press direction keys to
expand or shrink waveforms.
Switch between HOLD and RUN
7.2 Voltage/Current/Frequency
This function is used for measuring steady voltage, current, frequency and crest factors. The Crest
Factor (CF) indicates the amount of distortion: a CF of 1.41 means no distortion and higher than 1.8
means high distortion. Use this screen to get a first impression of power system performance before
examining the system in detail with other measuring modes.
7.3. Table screen
The number of columns in the Table screen depends on the power system configuration. The figures in
the Table screen are present values that may update constantly. Changes in these values over time are
recorded as soon as the measurement is turned on. The recording is visible in the Trend screen.
Available function keys:
Under 3-phase Y type wiring configuration, switch between voltage readings of each
phase (A/L1, B/L2, C/L3,N)or phase-phase (AB, BC, CA).
Access to the Trend screen.
Switch between HOLD and RUN.