6.5 Display Information
The Analyzer uses five different screen types to present measuring results in the most effective way.
Survey of Display types
Phase colors
Measuring results belonging to different phases are presented with individual colors. The default colors
are yellow for phase A (L1), green for phase B (L2), red for C (L3), and gray for N (neutral).
Screen types
(1) Table screen: gives an instantaneous overview of important numerical measuring values.
(2) Trend screen: this type of screen is related to a table screen. Trend screen shows the course over
time of measuring values from the table.
(3) Waveform screen: shows voltage and current waveforms as displayed on an oscilloscope. Channel
A (L1) is reference channel.
(4) Phasor screen: shows the phase relation between voltages and currents in a vector diagram. The
vector of reference channel A (L1) points to the positive horizontal direction.
(5) Bar Graph screen: shows the density of each measuring parameters as a percentage by means of a
Bar Graph.
Screen information common for all screen types
a) Measuring mode: the active measuring mode is shown in the screen header.
b) Measuring values: main numerical measuring values. If cursor is off, the newest values are
shown; otherwise, the values at the cursor are shown.
c) Status indicators: Display working states of battery or adapter, and time that a measurement has
been going on.
d) Main area with measuring data.
e) Status line: shows present date and time.
Softkey text area: Softkey functions that can be selected with F1 … F5 are indicated in white.
Functions currently not available are indicated in gray. Active function key selections are
highlighted with a blue background.