Chapter 5 : Menus
page 38
12.10. List of alarms
12.10.1.Display of activated alarms
When an alarm is activated, the description is displayed and an audible signal is given.
12.10.2. Resetting an alarm
The alarms can be reset by means of the "ENTER" key. Thus, the audible alarm is silenced,
but its description remains displayed as long as the alarm is activated. If several alarms are
displayed, each of them needs to be silenced individually.
12.10.3.List of alarms for single units and modular systems
Load imminent stop
Informs about the risk of unit uncoupling
Battery discharged
End of back up time
Operating on battery
The UPS is operating on battery
Battery general alarm
May be several causes : end of slow discharge, battery
connection open, battery discharged.
Battery test interrupted
Battery failed
Battery protection open
Switch Q20 is open
Transfer locked
Due to 4 transfers within 60 seconds
Inverter or mains source can still be chosen.
Transfer impossible
The load can not be transferred from one source to the
other (mains or inverter)
Battery room alarm
Information concerning the battery room
Maintenance bypass alarm
Q5 and Q3 closed simultaneously
Bypass general alarm
Activated if an alarm or a fault occurred on the bypass
Inverter general alarm
Activated for every fault or alarm related to the inverter
UPS overloaded
While on inverter, if the load rate is > 103%
While on mains, if the load rate is > 105%
Rectifier general alarm
Activated for every fault related to the rectifier
Monitoring general alarm
Summary of alarms of the unit monitoring.
Mimic panel general alarm
Communication failure between:
- the mimic panel and the Com-slot frame,
- the mimic panel and the micro controller PCB