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Das  Produkt  enthält  Software,  die  unter  der  GNU  General  Public 
License, Version 2, frei genutzt werden darf.

This Product contains Software applicable to GNU General Public 
License, Version 2  which can be used freely.


Im  Verhältnis  zu  den  Lizenzgebern  der  Software  gilt  der  folgende 

Towards the licensor of this Software the following liability is disclaimed:

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
See the GNU General Public License for more details.


Der Lizenztext der GPL lautet wie folgt:
The GNU General Public License is as follows: 


Version 2, June 1991                                        


Copyright (C) 1989, 1991                                                 
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place, Suite 330 
Boston, MA  02111-1307,  USA

Everyone  is  permitted  to  copy  and  distribute  verbatim  copies  of  this 
license document, but changing it is not allowed.


The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom 
to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is 
intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software-
-to make sure the software is free for all its users. This General Public 
License applies to most of the Free Software Foundation's software and 
to  any  other  program  whose  authors  commit  to  using  it.  (Some  other 
Free  Software  Foundation  software  is  covered  by  the  GNU  Library 
General Public License instead.) You can apply it to your programs, too.

When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. 
Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have 
the  freedom  to  distribute  copies  of  free  software  (and  charge  for  this 
service  if  you  wish),  that  you  receive  source  code  or  can  get  it  if  you 
want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free 
programs; and that you know you can do these things.

To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone 
to  deny  you  these  rights  or  to  ask  you  to  surrender  the  rights.  These 
restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute 
copies of the software, or if you modify it.  For example, if you distribute 
copies of such a program, whether gratis or for a fee, you must give the 
recipients all the rights that you have.  You must make sure that they, too, 
receive or can get the source code.  And you must show them these 
terms so they know their rights.

We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and 
(2)  offer  you  this  license  which  gives  you  legal  permission  to  copy, 
distribute and/or modify the software.

Also, for each author‘s protection and ours, we want to make certain that 
everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free software.  If 
the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we want its 
recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so that any 
problems  introduced  by  others  will  not  reflect  on  the  original  authors' 

Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software patents. 
We  wish  to  avoid  the  danger  that  redistributors  of  a  free  program 
will  individually  obtain  patent  licenses,  in  effect  making  the  program 
proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any patent must 
be licensed for everyone‘s free use or not licensed at all.

The  precise  terms  and  conditions  for  copying,  distribution  and 
modification follow.




0.  This  License  applies  to  any  program  or  other  work  which  contains 
a  notice  placed  by  the  copyright  holder  saying  it  may  be  distributed 
under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, 
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" 
means  either  the  Program  or  any  derivative  work  under  copyright 
law:  that  is  to  say,  a  work  containing  the  Program  or  a  portion  of  it, 
either  verbatim  or  with  modifications  and/or  translated  into  another 
language.  (Hereinafter,  translation  is  included  without  limitation 
in  the  term  "modification".)  Each  licensee  is  addressed  as  "you". 
Activities  other  than  copying,  distribution  and  modification  are  not 
covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of running 
the  Program  is  not  restricted,  and  the  output  from  the  Program  is 
covered  only  if  its  contents  constitute  a  work  based  on  the  Program 
(independent of having been made by running the Program). Whether 
that is true depends on what the Program does.

1.You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program‘s source 
code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously 
and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice 
and  disclaimer  of  warranty;  keep  intact  all  the  notices  that  refer  to 
this  License  and  to  the  absence  of  any  warranty;  and  give  any  other 
recipients of the Program a copy of this License along with the Program. 
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you 
may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.

2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion 
of  it,  thus  forming  a  work  based  on  the  Program,  and  copy  and 
distribute  such  modifications  or  work  under  the  terms  of  Section 
1  above,  provided  that  you  also  meet  all  of  these  conditions: 


You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices 

stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.


You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that 

in whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any part 
thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third parties under 
the terms of this License.


If  the  modified  program  normally  reads  commands 

interactively  when  run,  you  must  cause  it,  when  started  running  for 
such  interactive  use  in  the  most  ordinary  way,  to  print  or  display  an 
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice 
that  there  is  no  warranty  (or  else,  saying  that  you  provide  a  warranty) 
and  that  users  may  redistribute  the  program  under  these  conditions, 
and  telling  the  user  how  to  view  a  copy  of  this  License.    (Exception: 

Appendix 7 - GNU General Public License

Summary of Contents for D765

Page 1: ...IP Phone D765 snom 760 User Manual http arttel ru http arttel ru shop ip telefony snom d765...

Page 2: ...ring the phone 16 Prerequisites 16 Initialization 16 What to do if initialization and registration are unsuccessful 17 Correcting the clock 18 Getting to know your phone 19 At a glance 19 LED indicato...

Page 3: ...tact Types 37 Outgoing identity 37 Group 37 Ringtones 37 Adding Editing Entries on the Phone 38 Adding new entry manually 38 Adding new entry from call list 38 Adding current caller 38 Sorting entries...

Page 4: completion 47 Accepting calls 47 Using different audio devices 47 Automatically accepting calls 47 Call pick up from another extension 48 Call waiting 49 Active calls 50 Hold 50 One call on hold 50...

Page 5: ...0 Example 2 Monitoring calls on screen 61 Example 3 Speed dialing 62 Example 4 Turning forwarding of all calls on and off 63 Customizing the phone settings 64 Identities accounts 64 Con guring new ide...

Page 6: ...endix 5 Programmable Functions 86 Programmable Functions 86 Key Events 90 Appendix 6 Bluetooth Module D765 only 92 Pairing 92 Unpairing 93 Disconnecting a Paired Headset 93 Reconnecting a Paired Heads...

Page 7: ...ology AG gives its permission to download and print copies of its content for the intended purpose of using it as a manual No parts of this document may be altered modi ed or used for commercial purpo...

Page 8: rooms with high humidity for example in bathrooms laundry rooms damp basements Do not immerse the device in water and do not spill or pour liquids of any kind onto or into the device Do not install...

Page 9: ...n FCC Class B CE Mark Power PoE or 5 V DC adapter not included in delivery Connectors 2 x RJ 45 Ethernet 1x LAN 1x PC 2 x 4P4C handset optional headset USB port D765 1 x type A USB 2 0 snom 760 2 x ty...

Page 10: ...http arttel ru http arttel ru shop ip telefony snom d765...

Page 11: ...interface Open the phone s web interface see on how to do it Advanced Click on the item Advanced in the menu on the left side of the window Behavior Next click on the tab labelled Behavior The bold l...

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Page 13: ...will protrude slightly above the edge of the cradle The small rectangular hole in the receiver casing ts perfectly over the now protruding tip holding the receiver safely in place in the upright posit...

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Page 15: ...interface at Advanced Audio text eld of Audio parameters Click on the question mark to look up the parameters If you are using a different headset whatever the rmware version enter the parameters of t...

Page 16: ...udes Account usually the phone number On snom phones an account is called an identity Registrar Password User name authentication name outbound proxy may also be required These are settings that can o...

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Page 18: ...ess you know what you are doing Expert help may be required Correcting the clock The phone receives the time and date from your NTP time server If the time and or date on the display are incorrect you...

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Page 21: ...t occurs The factory setting is red LED and line The LEDs of a line key will blink rapidly when a call is ringing on the line glow steadily when there is an ongoing call on the line blink slowly when...

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Page 23: ...key to turn DND on and off When it is on you ll see the DND symbol on the display Phone directory See Directories on page 36 for further information Settings menu See Settings on page 28 for further i...

Page 24: ...ft function key underneath the display to switch to the input mode indicated by the symbol directly above it in the function key line Text in Information Line current input mode Press function key to...

Page 25: ...nput modes small and capital letters press keys 0 and 1 one or more times quickly Pause brie y after each character or symbol Period Press 1 once Space Press 0 once Underscore _ Press 0 twice Special...

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Page 29: ...he times when the phone is active and when the phone is idle Lowering backlight intensity lowers the energy consumption of the devices The backlight when idle can be turned off by reducing the number...

Page 30: ...e navigation key to increase or decrease the backlight s intensity The setting applies to all expansion modules connected to the phone 7 When done press to save and return to Expansion modules menu Fi...

Page 31: ...words be sure to write them down and store them in a secure place Without the administrator password you will not be able to return the phone and the web interface from user mode to administrator mode...

Page 32: ...unknown to you In such a case you would no longer be able to switch from user mode to administrator mode If you set your own passwords be sure to write them down and store them in a secure place Witho...

Page 33: ...licked on Apply the Save button will appear at the top of the page Click on Save to save the changes permanently Changes that have not been saved will be lost if and when the phone loses power or is d...

Page 34: is necessary to return the phone to administrator mode If your phone is administered centrally user mode may be the rule Please check with your administrator User mode on the phone The Identity and...

Page 35: click on Apply Changes will be lost if you open another page of the web interface or if you close the web interface without rst clicking on Apply Note Whenever you click on Apply the Save button w...

Page 36: ...are possible If you do not enter a rst and or last name and or nickname the phone number will appear under both Name and Number Entry with one phone number Entry with several associated phone numbers...

Page 37: ...y type it on the keypad the current outgoing identity as indicated on the display will be used Group The available group types are Friends Family Work Colleagues You can assign a distinct ringtone to...

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Page 40: ...ssign a distinct ringtone to each group type Preferences Directory Ringtones Nickname If you enter a nickname it will appear under the Name header of the Directory on the web interface First name fami...

Page 41: ...the directory Click on in Jane Smith s line The data is shown in Add or Edit area Fig 1 Fig 1 Fig 2 Enter the phone number in the text eld of Number Fig 2 Select xed from the drop down menu of Number...

Page 42: number subentry to delete that subentry but keeping the master record and any other subentries Dialing from phone directory To dial click on in the line of the phone number Deleting whole direc...

Page 43: ...e more letters if the name shown isn t the right one or scroll through the list Press to dial Contacts On the phone s web interface Con guration Identity SIP tab Contact list click on the radio button...

Page 44: ...ters Selecting identity for current outgoing call See Identities accounts on page 64 on how to con gure identities If more than one identity is shown on the display the one on the dark bar is the outg...

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Page 50: ...indicators are turned off Holding multiple calls If you are in a call with one party and have one or more calls on hold or if there is more than one call on hold you can switch back and forth between...

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Page 52: the entire conference back on screen Scroll to the rst participant s screen Fig C 2 then press Speaking to one participant in private 1 Put the participant on screen as shown in Conference screen n...

Page 53: ...turn and press Transferring calls You can transfer connected calls as well as calls ringing on your phone When you have a call on the line there are two ways to transfer it to a third party Announcin...

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Page 55: ...gnal For further information on placing phone numbers on the Deny List see Directory DND do not disturb mode All incoming calls will be forwarded to the number set in call forwarding when busy if ther...

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Page 58: ...functionality of the key You may want to use this feature when you are have accounts with different providers or when you wish to present different identities to certain destinations For example If y...

Page 59: ...espective key when the phone is in idle mode You cannot change the functions that are available when the phone is active for example when you are in a call when the phone is ringing etc Dedicated cust...

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Page 62: ...of P6 select Speed Dial from the drop down list 4 Under Number of P6 enter the phone number that you wish to speed dial In our example it is phone number 555 1784 in area code 917 Type each phone num...

Page 63: ...enu on the left 2 Click on the drop down list of one of the context sensitive programmable function keys In our example it is the second key from the right 3 Select Forward all from the drop down list...

Page 64: ...til you click on Apply and Save Changes will be lost if you open another page or tab of the web interface or if you close the web interface without rst clicking on Apply and Save Identities accounts T...

Page 65: ...y selecting Silent See Assigning ringtones on page 66 2 SIP settings Click on the SIP tab to bring the page to the front It contains a number of technical settings and text elds for entering URIs URLs...

Page 66: call to an identity is ringing the phone will play the ringtone assigned to that identity unless it is a call from a VIP or a group with a distinctive ringer of their own Note Ringers assigned to t...

Page 67: ...Examples May 6 will be displayed as 5 6 December 10 will be displayed as 12 10 Select off to have the date shown on the phone s display in d m yyyy or dd mm yyyy format Examples May 6 will be display...

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Page 69: ...on Language 2 Select the language from the drop down list 3 Click on Apply and Save Web interface language 1 Open Preferences General Information Webinterface language 2 Select the language from the d...

Page 70: ...the web interface Always All incoming calls are forwarded to the number of the phone extension or mailbox speci ed as this function s target When busy Calls ringing while the phone is busy are forward...

Page 71: ...e phone without spaces or punctuation between the digits 3 Click on Apply and Save Forwarding incoming calls when they are not answered 1 Open Preferences Call Forwarding Timeout 2 Type the phone numb...

Page 72: ...aiting When you are in a call another call coming in will be announced visually by the symbol of a ringing phoneon the display and acoustically by the sound of a double beep you will also see the call...

Page 73: ...ely be received as anonymous calls 1 Open Preferences Privacy Settings Reject incoming anonymous calls 2 Select the radio button Reject 3 Click on Apply and Save Number guessing When you have typed th...

Page 74: number or special character Note Type each phone number without spaces or punctuation between the digits For example You want to be able to speed dial the phone number 555 1784 in area code 917 by...

Page 75: ...7 Open the phone s web interface Setup Software Update 8 In the Manual Software Update area paste the link into the text eld behind Firmware 9 Click on Load The phone begins to reboot 10 If the phone...

Page 76: ...4 Reset values 4 Enter the administrator password and press 5 Wait for the idle screen to reappear 6 See Initialization on page to continue Warning All customized settings will be lost TFTP Update Wh...

Page 77: ...w 3 Click on End Customer Support 4 On the Support Center page click on Register new account Neu anmelden 5 Fill out the form and click Register Anmelden 6 You will receive an automatic email Click on...

Page 78: ...yze your problem Performing a SIP Trace 1 Open the phone s web interface Status SIP Trace 2 Click on Clear to clear the page 3 Recreate the error to be documented in the trace 4 Click on Reload 5 Copy...

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Page 83: ...ncoming calls will be forwarded to the phone number indicated Forward after Timeout name number Call forwarding is on When an incoming call is not picked up within the set number of seconds the call w...

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Page 86: ...roperability page and the PBX manual With Asterisk generally use this feature rather than extension Button This is a function key that is connected to your PBX to perform a task speci ed in the button...

Page 87: ...the called phone is idle If it is in a call the incoming intercom call will be announced as call waiting Off Pressing the intercom key will call the extension speci ed in the Number text eld where it...

Page 88: has been set up on the server a function key mapped with the Park Orbit functionality can EITHER serve to park calls on the park orbit OR to park as well as retrieve calls depending on the type of...

Page 89: ...ilent alarms or emergency calls If the standard behavior of this function key type does not meet your requirements it is possible to customize it Copy the standard XML con guration of the key from the...

Page 90: ...ectory while dialing Once set this pressed key will open up the Direcory Search window If LDAP is setup corresponding matching entries as returned by the sever will be shown If LDAP is not used and an...

Page 91: ...d that you must respect the legal restrictions of your country for recording calls with or without the participants knowledge and permission Redial Dialed call history list last call at the top Retrie...

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Page 95: ...ter the number on the phone s keypad and long press the headset s call key to voice dial the number or press the phone s OK key to dial Directory and call lists Select a contact in the directory or a...

Page 96: ...essing the Mute button on the headset Please refer to the headset s manual for further information With some headsets you can also press the Mute key on the phone If you wish to use this feature pleas...

Page 97: ...authors reputations Finally any free program is threatened constantly by software patents We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free program will individually obtain patent licenses in...

Page 98: ...y the two goals of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally NO WARRANTY 11 BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE O...

Page 99: ...SUCH DAMAGES END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs If you develop a new program and you want it to be of the greatest possible use to the public the best way to ac...

Page 100: ...Fax 44 169 348 7509 office uk snom com snom France SARL 6 Parc des fontenelles 78870 Bailly France Tel 33 1 80 87 62 87 Fax 33 1 80 87 62 88 office fr snom com snom technology SRL Via A Lusardi 10 201...
