Confidential BTP-R880NP Programming Manual
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1.3 Command format
The name and function summary of commands;
The command expressed in ASCII, Hex and Decimal separately. If not specified, the
value in “range” part is decimal. For instance, in range” 1
4”, ‘1’ is not an ASCII
code but a decimal number;
The value range of parameter in the command;
Explain the main features and application notices of commands;
The initial value used after the printer initialized;
Other commands related to current commend;
Example used for current or relative commands.
All command data in programming Demo use HEX. All normal font/characters are data.
There is no explanation for the data of command such as 42 43 which is data. The
font/character underlined and emphasized is a command such as
1B 40.
All the data
inside parentheses after all commands in Demo is used to explain the meanings of this
command. The parentheses and data inside it is not the command to be transmitted to
the printer.