Cleaning and Disinfecting the Pump and Accessories
The pump and reusable accessories should be cleaned and disinfected after each patient use and
in accordance with this manual and your organization’s policies and procedures for reusable, solid
surface, non-critical medical devices. Failure to do so could result in serious patient injury or death.
Ensure that debris is not allowed to build up on the pressure plate surface of the pumping
mechanism. Inspect the air detector sensor slot and remove any debris. A blocked air detector sensor
may not detect air present in the fluid path, which could result in serious patient injury or death.
Do not immerse the pump in cleaning fluid or water. Do not allow solution to soak into the pump,
accumulate on the keypad, or enter the battery compartment, USB port, remote dose cord jack, or
power jack areas. Moisture buildup inside the pump may damage the pump.
Do not oversaturate the chassis area on the bottom of the pump with cleaning or disinfecting
solutions. Oversaturating this area can cause damage to the pump sensors over time.
Do not clean the pump with acetone, other plastic solvents, or abrasive cleaners, as damage to the
pump may occur. Also refer to the instructions for use for each accessory before proceeding with
cleaning and disinfecting. Some accessories may have their own list of acceptable cleaning and
disinfecting solutions.
Refer to the instructions for use for each accessory before proceeding with cleaning.
For optimal efficiency, it is recommended best practice to clean first and then disinfect. All disinfectants
require pre-cleaning, except for disinfectant cleaners that are tested to disinfect in the presence of 5% of
organic matter. The following steps may be used to clean and disinfect the pump and accessories, unless
otherwise specified in the instructions for use for an accessory:
1. Clean the pump and its accessories using a mild detergent soap solution to remove residuals or
contaminated material. Apply solution to a soft, lint-free cloth and then wipe the pump or accessory.
Do not allow the solution to soak into the pump or accessory.
2. Disinfect the pump and its accessories by applying a disinfecting solution (listed below) according to
the disinfecting product label instructions. If using a liquid or spray, apply solution to a soft, lint-free
cloth and then wipe the pump or accessory. Follow the disinfectant manufacturer’s recommendations
for disinfectant contact times. Do not allow the solution to soak into the pump or accessory.
Acceptable disinfecting solutions for the CADD®-Solis pump and its accessories are listed below.
For the CADD®-Solis LockBox, use only the Sani-Cloth® Bleach product listed below as other
products may affect the transparency of the lockbox.
Active Ingredient(s)
Kill Time
(Do not use with
CADD®-Solis LockBox)
17.2% Isopropanol
3 minutes
Sani-Cloth® Super
(Do not use with
CADD®-Solis LockbBox)
Dimethyl Benzyl
Ammonium Chloride,
Dimethyl Ethyl Benzyl
Ammonium Chloride
2 minutes
Sani-Cloth® Bleach
0.60% Sodium Hypochlorite 4 minutes
3. Allow the pump and accessories to dry completely before use.