Step Nine
Implant Final Components
Fig. 45
Obtain the final components and
implant the tibial component first.
Technique tip: With the modest
amount of bone removed, particularly
from the tibia, there may be a sclerotic
cut surface. If the resected surfaces
of the tibia and/or femur are sclerotic,
drill multiple holes with a small
drill (2.0mm-3.2mm) to improve
cement intrusion.
Tibial Component
To facilitate insertion, flex the knee
and externally rotate the tibia. If
desired, place an opened and slightly
moist sterile gauze sponge behind
the tibia before implanting the
components to help collect excess
cement behind the tibia.
Apply cement and press the tibial
base plate or the all-polyethylene
tibial component onto the tibia.
Position and press down the
posterior portion of the component
first. Then press the anterior portion
of the component, expressing
excess cement anteriorly.
Use the Tibial Plate Impactor to
impact the tibial base plate (Fig. 45).
Note: Do not use the Tibial
Plate Impactor to impact an
all-polyethylene tibial component.
Remove the sterile gauze sponge
slowly from behind the joint, and
use the Cement Removal Tool to
remove any excess cement.