Step Six
Finish the Femur
Fig. 28
Fig. 26
Fig. 30
Fig. 27
The following order is recommended
to maximize the stability and fixation of
the Femoral Sizer/Finishing Guide. This
will help ensure that the cuts and holes
are precise.
1. With the proper size Femoral Sizer/
Finishing Guide in position, insert
a 48mm Headed Screw into the
top pin hole, or predrill and insert
a Holding Pin (Fig. 26). Rotate the
guide on the screw/pin until the
posterior edge of the guide is
parallel to the cut surface of the tibia
(Fig. 27). Make sure there is exposed
bone on both sides of the guide
to ensure that the Femoral Sizer/
Finishing Guide does not overhang.
2. Insert one 33mm Headed Screw
(gold head) into the angled anterior
pin hole, which is parallel to the
chamfer cut (Fig. 28). For best
fixation, seat the screw head slowly.
This should stabilize the guide
sufficiently to finish the femur. For
additional stability, insert a 48mm
Headed Screw or predrill and
insert a Short Head Holding Pin
into the middle hole closest to the
intercondylar notch. If this hole is
used, it will be necessary to remove
the Femoral Sizer/Finish Guide
before finishing the femoral cuts.
Note: For Femoral Sizer/Finishing
Guide sizes A and B, the angle
of the pin hole is different from
the larger sizes. This is due to the
relative difference in the size of the
pegs on the size A and B femoral
components, and does not affect
the technique.