If bone tissue is distally and anteriorly available to ensure good instrument support,
the “EM femoral box processing” version can be proceeded (this version is faster and easier
in handling).
EM preparation of the femoral box
In order to improve support for the Hohman,
we recommend preparing the femoral box after
tibial preparation.
For this application, anterior bone substance
has to be available!
To position medio-laterally the femoral box saw
guide, respectively the femoral component,
use the centering template, which is inserted
through the anterior saw slot of the A/P
femoral revision cutting block in regard to the
femoral size, to make a mark (e.g., with an
electrocauter or a pin) on the anterior cortical
On the anterior cortical bone marking, the
femoral box saw guide (guides for size 2 and
sizes 4–10) is aligned and fi xed with bone
It is important that the box saw guide is fl ush
with the resections.
When using distal femoral augmentation blocks
the corresponding blocks must be fixed on the
box saw guide. Respect the thickness (5 mm,
10 mm or 15 mm).
The side handles can be attached on the box
saw guide.
EM Femoral Box Preparation Option