The principal preoperative planning factor is the correct diagnosis. It has to be determined
whether the bone and stability situation require the implantation of a constrained prosthesis.
The main indications for implantation of RT-PLUS™ Modular are:
High-grade joint destruction with considerable loss of function and requirement for addi-
tional stabilization with longer stems and reconstruction of bone defects
Severe joint instability that predictably cannot be corrected by suitable bone reconstruction
(bone grafts) or soft-tissue intervention
Marked contractures and axial displacements of more than 15°–20°
Failure after surface replacement (e.g., infection, loosening) – revision of a primary prosthesis
Trauma – induced femoral or tibial fractures
Due to the design, it is possible to switch with relatively little effort, even intraoperatively,
from the TC-PLUS™ knee system to the RT-PLUS™ Modular knee system, since the resections
and prosthesis sizes are matching
Contraindications are:
Acute or chronic, local or systemic infections (or in the case of a corresponding anamnesis)
Severe muscle, nerve or vascular diseases that endanger the affected extremity
Lacking bone substance or inadequate bone quality that endangers a stable seating of the
Severe adiposity
All concomitant diseases that may endanger the function of the implant. These include in
particular extreme insuffi ciency of the knee extensor mechanism, which can lead to exces-
sive joint distortion; or severe adiposity, which can lead to a dorsal impingement, which may
uncouple the components. In these cases it may be advisable to use a coupled hinge or a
tumour prosthesis
Patient hypersensitivities or allergies to the materials used
Strenuous physical activity (e.g., competitive sports, hard physical work)
See also instructions on the package insert.