Removing the dorsal condyle residue
This must be checked in all cases!
After having completed the femoral resections,
use the curved osteotome to remove all
osteophytes as well as protruding posterior
condyles. At this point, a posterior contrac-
ture can also be released. This will improve
fl exion and prevent possible damage to the
polyethylene insert by these bony projec-
The femoral trial is used as reference for
re section of the bone with the curved osteo-
The femoral trial can be removed by using the
slap hammer. If necessary, it can be left in
place to protect the femoral condyle during
tibial preparation.
It is recommended to leave the femoral trial
component assembled with stem and eventu-
ally augmentation blocks to be used as refer-
ence, respectively as comparison component
when assembling the definitive implant.