How can I set up Dynamic DNS?
The Dynamic DNS is a method that gives the capability for your router to notify a domain
name server any change in the stored configuration like IP address, hostname, etc. This can
be especially useful when you have a server in your lan environment and you want to access it
from a remote place and your router has a dynamic WAN IP address. In that case it will be
easier to remember a created domain like
, than to know the
changing WAN IP address of your router. In order to set up the Dynamic DNS you need to
follow two simple steps.
Step 1.
Go to a DNS Internet provider website, create an account and set up a new domain for
your service. There are many free DNS provider available at
In your SMCWBR14S-N4 you can configure Dynamic DNS with several different providers
Dyndns.com, freedns.afraid.org, zoneedit.com, or no-ip.com. Let’s say we have created a
domain with DynDNS like:
Domain: myhomeftp.dyndns.org
Username: testuser
Password: 123456
Step 2.
Go to your router web management interface, go to the submenu
Administration/Management/DDNS and enter the data as shown below.
You need to add the domain you have configured by clicking on Apply.
May 2010