LACP Status
This page displays the LACP status of the switch.
LACP Aggregation
Shows the status of each port. The LACP Aggregation table has one row
for each LACP group. Normal means no LACP group is active. For active
LACP groups, a new row is created from which the status of its port
members are displayed. Status of each port is indicated by a colored box,
which use color and number to differentiate status.
Aggregation Information
Shows aggregation information for each LACP group.
Field Attributes
Aggregation Group
- The ID number of the LACP group.
Partner MAC Address
- The MAC address of link partner.
Local Ports Aggregated
- Port member list of the local LACP group.
Seconds Since Last Change
- Time in seconds for the LACP group
since last setup.
LACP Port Status
Shows LACP port status.
Field Attributes
- The port ID.
Port Active
- Show if the port is a member of active LACP group.
Partner Port Number
- List of port ID for the link partner.
Operational Port Key
- The current operational value of the Key for the
LACP group.