Fieldbus System/
Industrial IoT Cybersecurity
In recent years, factories have introduced industrial IoT, building up complex networks of production
machines. These systems maybe subject to a new threat, cyberattack. To protect the industrial IoT from
cyberattacks, it is important to take multiple measures (multi-layer protection) for IoT devices, networks and
For this purpose, SMC recommends that the following measures are always taken into consideration. For
further details of the following measures, please see security information published by your local country
security agencies.
1. Do not connect the devices via a public
• If you unavoidably need to access the device or cloud
via a public network, ensure to use a secure, private
network such as VPN.
• Do not connect an office IT network and factory IoT
2. Build a firewall to prevent a threat from
entering the device and system.
• Set up a router or firewall at network boundaries to
allow minimum required communications.
• Disconnect from the network or turn off the device if
no continuous connection is required.
3. Physically block an access to unused
communication ports or disable them.
• Inspect regularly each port if any unnecessary device
is connected to the network system.
• Operate necessary services (SSH, FTP, SFTP, etc.)
• Set a transmission range of the device using a
wireless LAN or other radio system to the minimum
required and use only devices approved according to
the radio act in the country concerned.
• Install a device generating radio waves in such place
as there is no interference from indoor or outdoor.
4. Set up a secure communication method such
as data encryption.
• Encrypt data in every environment, including IoT
networks, secure gate-way connections, for secure
5. Grant access permissions by user accounts
and limit the number of users.
• Regularly review accounts and delete all unused
accounts or permissions.
• Establish an account lockout system to block an
access to the account for a certain period if log-in fails
more than the given threshold.
6. Protect passwords.
• Change the default password when you first use
the device or system.
• Choose a long password (minimum 8
characters) using a mix of different letters and
characters to make the password more secure
and harder to hack.
7. Use the latest security software.
• Install antivirus software on all computers to
detect and remove viruses.
• Keep the antivirus software up to date.
8. Use the latest version of the device and
system software.
• Apply patches to keep the OS and applications
up to date.
9. Monitor and detect abnormalities in the
• Keep monitoring the network for any
abnormalities to take a prompt measure and
issue an alert if any abnormality is detected.
Install an intrusion detection system (IDS) and
intrusion prevention system (IPS).
10. Delete data from devices when disposed of.
• Before disposing of any IoT devices, delete
stored data or physically destruct media to
prevent any misuse of the data.