Technical Information
Seilspielgeräte GmbH Berlin
Page 4
Handwerkerstraße 7
15366 Dahlwitz-Hoppegarten
Phone (+49 33 42) 50 837 20
Fax (+49 33 42) 50 837 80
2.3 Alignment of the anchor frame
If all 10 ground anchors are fixed into each other as shown in Figure 3 then these are screwed together
with the 10 supplied screws (M16x85) and nuts. This frame must be positioned in the ground at a depth of
470 mm under the playing level (Figure 4) and, at the same time, be aligned horizontally and aligned in
diameter. With this frame perfect screwing of the frame tubes and the hollow balls is guaranteed. Note: It
is imperative that you observe the positioning of the slide and the hammock when assembling and
aligning the anchor frame (refer to Layout Plan II).
Figure 4