Dirt Doctor Junior
(model # 10003679)
Assembly & Operating Instructions
If the Finish Drag Kit was purchased with unit, the pull chains simply attach to ‘snap links’
that connect to the rear of the unit through the holes in the frame.
The Dirt Doctor with tow package is shipped with the front tongue assembly removed. You will need two, ¾” wrenches
and/or sockets for assembly.
We recommend two people, or the use of automotive style jack stands to assemble the unit.
- Remove all shipping ties securing the unit to the pallet.
- Cut shipping ties securing tongue assembly, and tip the tongue assembly upright.
- Remove caster from carton and install it in the tongue jack and secure with the quick-release pin.
The tongue jack is shipped in the ‘full up’ position with operating handle down. You will need to turn
the operating handle clockwise several turns before you can lift operating handle up and over to have the handle in the
normal operating position.
- Place the tongue assembly in front of the unit and align the six holes in the tongue assembly with the six
holes in the unit. Tighten securely with ½”x 2” long bolts, washers and Nylock nuts.
The unit may be left on the pallet to install the tongue assembly. After installing, you may then lower the rear wheels to
remove the unit from the pallet.
To lower the wheels for transport
(raise rear roller off of ground):
- Step to one side of the unit, remove lynch pin and slide wheel arm pin out until it clears plate.
- Lift wheel arm up and back to lower wheel. Slide wheel arm pin into plate (top hole is the transport position), and
secure with lynch pin. Repeat procedure on other side.
The unit will move when raising and lowering the wheels if the unit is not attached to the
Wheel Lift Arms can move quickly with great force when raising the wheels (lowering the
unit) when the unit is attached to the tow vehicle.
Towing the Dirt Doctor Junior:
Front caster is only used to roll unit around inside of shed or warehouse. Raise the jack tongue to attach
it to the tractor/utility vehicle hitch or, to raise the unit to adjust ripper blades or pulverizer bar height. It should always
be removed when transporting the unit and when using the unit.
Before Towing:
- Two Hitch Pins are used to secure the hitch draw bar to the tongue nose support for towing. (See Figures
1 & 2) One Hitch Pin is removed when you are operating the unit so it can pivot up and down.
- After connecting the unit to the hitch plate, raise the jack, pull the quick release pin and remove the caster.
- Lower the rear wheels per above instructions. You may now transport the unit to the field.
Newstripe, Inc.
1700 Jasper St. #F
Aurora, CO 80011
(303) 364-7786