Please note that the Installation Sheet Explained documents are periodically updated. The product Installation Sheets
supplied with the product should be referenced first for current installation information.
Alignment though two mirrors
9. Follow instruction 1-4
10. A second person must
adjust the position of the first
mirror to the left and to the right until
the entire length of the second mirror is
reflected in the first mirror. If difficulties are experienced in seeing the
reflection on the second mirror in the first mirror then use a piece of white
paper cut to size and position in front of the second mirror.
11. If the reflection of the white paper is difficult to see in the first mirror then
employ a third person to hold a flashlight in front of the second mirror with
the light beam pointing directly in line with its mirror housing towards the
first mirror. Secure the first mirror.
12. Again follow instructions 1 to 4.
13. The second person must adjust the position of the second mirror to the left
and to the right until the entire length of the transmitter unit is reflected
through both the first mirror and the second mirror. If difficulties are
experienced in seeing the reflection of the transmitter unit through both the
first then the second mirrors then use a piece of white paper cut to size and
position in front of the transmitter unit.
14. If the reflection of the white paper is still difficult to see through the first and
second mirrors then employ a third person to hold a flashlight in front of the
transmitter unit with the light beam pointing directly towards the second
mirror. Secure the second mirror.
15. Ensure the mirrors are directly aligned thus enabling the infra red beams of
the transmitter to reach the receiver. Alternatively, fabricate mirror
mountings to include some form of adjustment to enable movement both
left and right and also forwards and backwards from the central axis of
each mirror.