Please note that the Installation Sheet Explained documents are periodically updated. The product Installation Sheets
supplied with the product should be referenced first for current installation information.
Alignment through one mirror
1. Secure the transmitter, receiver and
mirror units in the position in which they are
intended to be used.
2. Ensure all units are perfectly upright in all planes by using a sprit level.
3. If the units are floor mounted on stands ensure the floor is even. Shim the
floor mounts if necessary to ensure the units are all upright.
4. With one eye looking over the top of the receiver unit in line with the centre
of the extrusion look towards the reflective surface of the mirror, in a similar
manner to looking through a gun sight.
5. A second person must adjust the mirror to the left and right until the
Perspex window of the transmitter unit can be seen reflected in the mirror.
6. If the light curtain is scanning over a long range it may be difficult to see the
reflection of the transmitter units Perspex window in the mirror. If so, cut a
piece of white paper to the size of the Perspex window and mount directly
in front of the window. Now repeat step 5.
7. If the reflection of the white paper is difficult to see in the mirror then employ
a third person to hold a flashlight in front of the transmitter unit with the light
beam pointing directly in line with the Perspex window towards the mirror.
Now repeat step 5.
8. Use shims to ensure the mirror is accurately aligned, to enable the infra red
beams in the light curtain to reach the receiver. Alternatively, fabricate
mirror mountings to include some form of adjustment to enable movement
both left and right and also forward end backwards from the central axis of
the mirror.