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Page 13
of 16
January 30, 2019
Afterwards a click on the field “Sensor drawing settings” (
1 in Picture 11) should make a
button appear next to “
”, which, once clicked, opens the dialogue shown in
12. At the bottom there is the option to turn the velocity vector on (or off).
Another noticeable option within the TargetDraw is the configuration of reference lanes. For
a general purpose, the desktops are preconfigured to have grid-like references to easily
estimate the target position. Depending on the application, other settings might be more
appropriate, for example broader lanes for street reference or finer / sparser range lines to
not c
lutter the visualization. This can be achieved by expanding the “Automotive settings”
and the entry “Lane settings” thereafter
, see also Picture 13. There the number of lanes,
their width and reference range lines can be configured. Additionally, those settings might be
ex- and imported with the buttons at the bottom of the dialogue, so saving different settings
Picture 11: TargetDraw settings
Picture 12: Sensor Drawing Settings