Sympodium IM–150 Installation Guide
Slip the screw through the smaller ring terminal of the grounding wire.
Reattach the screw to the back of the control panel, making a good connection between
the ring terminal and the screw.
Back of Control Panel
Grounding Wire
To reconnect the control panel
Obtain the supplied I
C cable from the accessory kit.
You’ll need this straight-through, 4-wire modular cable with RJ11-6 (RJ12)
connectors at both ends to connect the remotely located control panel to the X-Port 30
unit’s connection panel. The pin assignments for the connectors, shown on page 46, are
vital for the cable to work correctly. If you connect the control panel with a crossover
cable, commonly sold by computer stores, your connection may not work.
Verify that cable C10 inside the X-Port 30 unit connects to the J8 connector port (see
page 18).
This cable provides power to the port on the connection panel for the remotely located
control panel.
J8 Connector Port
Cable C10 should be connected
Front of X-Port 30 Unit
Connection Panel on Back of X-Port 30 unit
Create an opening at your new location by using the template.
The template is on the same template as that of the interactive screen, with the
instructions printed on the template itself. You can also download the template from
www.smarttech.com/sympodium. It shows the size of opening needed for the control
panel and the screw locations.