Hax Series Hanging Scale
: With an empty hook Press the
Hold & M+ button together - “P-tArE” will
flash on the display. Now press the
Tare/Zero button once and all the zeros will
be displayed. Enter a value (ex.-1.200g),
using M+ & Hold keys. Exit the setup menu
by pressing the Zero/Enter key until the
scale comes in weighing mode. The Pre-set
Tare will be displayed as a negative value
(no weight on the hook).
To clear the Pre-set Tare value, press
TARE with the hook empty it will remove it temporarily and to remove the Pre Tare
value permanentaly from the memory you have to again go in the settings and
make the display “000.00” using” M+” & “hold” keys.
The display GLOW strength can be increased or decreased
depending upon the user requirement. Increasing the GLOW of the display will
effect the Battery back up time, and the battery life. If the user wants to increase
the GLOW of the display, it can be done as follows. When the indicator is in the
weighing mode, While pressing the Hold button, press the M+ button. The display
will show “P-TARE” Now press the Tare/Zero
button two times so that the display shows
“GLOW 0”. 0 means the GLOW mode is
currently set to Low. Now press the MODE
button, and you will notice the GLOW of the
display is increased. If the user wants to keep
this setting, simply press the Tare/Zero
button, until the display comes back to the
weighing mode.
Hax Series Hanging Scale
When the scale is in the weighing
mode, while pressing the “HOLD” button,
press the “M+” button. The display will
show “P-TARE” Now press the Tare/Zero
button three times so that the display
shows “SERIAL” Now press the Tare/Zero
button again and display will show “CMD”
which means command mode you can
select it to the continuos mode by pressing
“M’ button display will show “CONTS” and
then press the Tare/Zero button, until the
display comes back to the weighing mode.
When the scale is in the weighing
mode, while pressing the “HOLD” button,
press the “M+” button. The display will show
“P-TARE”. Now press the Tare/Zero button
five times so that the display shows ‘data’
Now press the Tare/Zero button again and
the display will show “FWD’ which means the
data is being send in the forward mode, you
can select it to the reverse mode by pressing “MODE” button display will show
“REV’ and then press the Tare/Zero button, until the display comes back to the
weighing mode.
: The
scale h
as a power saving mode called the SLEEP MODE.
Whenever the scale is switched on, the SLEEP MODE is by default set to ON
condition. In this mode, if the scale is idle for two minutes, that is there is no
weighing being done, the display will simply show the decimal point of the right
most digit on the display. Whenever any weight is hanged, the scale will
automatically come out of the SLEEP MODE and start displaying the weight. It is