Service and Warranty
Parts replaced under this warranty become
the property of the warrantor. The war-
ranty period starts on the date the vehicle
is delivered to the first retail purchaser or
put into service as an authorized smart
Center demonstrator or DVIUSA, MBUSI or
MBRDNA company vehicle.
The emission control system of your new
smart vehicle was designed, built and
tested using Genuine smart parts and the
vehicle is certified as being in conformity
with Federal emission control regulations
and requirements. Accordingly, it is rec-
ommended that any replacement parts used
for maintenance, repair or replacement of
emission related components be Genuine
smart Parts, including Genuine smart
Remanufactured Parts.
The owner may elect to have maintenance,
replacement or repair of the emission con-
trol devices and systems performed by any
automotive repair establishment or indi-
vidual, and may elect to use other than
Genuine smart Parts, including Genuine
smart Remanufactured Parts for such
maintenance, replacement or repair with-
out invalidating this warranty; the cost of
such service or parts, however, will not be
covered under the warranty except in the
case of an emergency.
Use of replacement parts which are not of
equivalent quality and design may impair
the effectiveness of the emission control
If other than Genuine smart Parts, includ-
ing Genuine smart Remanufactured Parts
are being used for maintenance, replace-
ment or repair of components affecting
emission control, the owner should obtain
assurances that such parts are warranted
by their manufacturer to be equivalent to
Genuine smart parts in performance and
DVIUSA, however, assumes no liability
under this warranty with respect to parts
other than Genuine smart Parts, including
Genuine smart Remanufactured Parts
except for consequential damage to a non-
smart warranted part caused by a failure
of a smart part. However, the use of non-
smart replacement parts does not invali-
date the warranty on other components
unless non-smart parts cause damage to
warranted parts.
Emission Systems Warranty
>> Service and Warranty.