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synchronization. See the "Synchronization System" chapter for details on the external trigger.
The Din_0 ~ Din_3 edge trigger means that when the DIO is configured as an input, the DIO pin
receives a rising edge and the device triggers.
DI acquisition trigger and DO acquisition trigger can be used to trigger the AI function alongside
their own functions to achieve the synchronization of each function.
Clear trigger
The AI trigger status can be reset to an untriggered state by software settings.
The pre-trigger function is used to record the pre-trigger signal. The pre-trigger function relies on
the hardware FIFO to store the data of the pre-trigger signal, so the number of pre-triggered points
is limited and cannot exceed 4kPts. The pre-trigger function diagram is shown in Figure 3.11.
Figure 3.11 AI pre-trigger function
When the pre-trigger point is set to 0, the data before the trigger signal is not stored, and the user
will not be able to obtain the signal state before the trigger signal.
When the pre-trigger signal is set to be larger than 0, for example, in Figure 3.11, the number of
pre-trigger points is set to 3, then the data before the trigger signal will be stored, and when the
stored quantity reaches 3, the newly acquired data will automatically remove the oldest data in the
FIFO to ensure that the latest 3 data is saved in the FIFO before the trigger.