SM Pro Audio
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V-‐Machine Operating Manual
Popup Plugin Selector
Clicking your mouse on the Popup Plugin Selector displays a list of plugins that have been
previously installed for use by the VFX Application.
Select the desired plugin from the list to load into the corresponding Plugin Slot. To remove a
plugin from the Plugin Slot select ‘None’ from the Popup Plugin Selector menu.
Plugin MIDI Channel Selector
Clicking your mouse on the MIDI Channel Selector adjacent to each Plugin Slot lets you assign
the desired MIDI channel you would like the plugin to respond to.
MIDI channels 1-‐16 and an ALL MIDI Channel option are available.
Plugin Slot Edit Menu
The Plugin Slot Edit Menu offers High and Low MIDI note range assignments per individual
Plugin Slot.
High and LOW MIDI note range settings are important as they allow you to effectively create
keyboard splits and layers. Different virtual instruments can be assigned to different or similar
note ranges of the keyboard.
For example – Consider loading a Bass plugin into Plugin Slot A on channel one, and a Piano
plugin into Plugin Slot A on channel two. Configure the High/Low MIDI note range of each of
the plugins using the Plugin Slot Edit Menu making sure the ranges do not intersect. This is a
simple way to create a split keyboard layout.
To layer sounds within a Preset simply set each virtual instrument plugins High/Low MIDI
note range to overlap at the point where the layer is desired.
Mixer Channel, FX Send, and Main Output Selector tabs
Selector tabs offer an intuitive way to access any of the 21 Plugin Slots. Clicking on any of the
tabs will update the Plugin Pane accordingly.
The selector tabs are clearly labelled so you know which channels Plugin Slots of are currently
Special Note
: When selecting different tabs the Parameter Pane will update to display the
parameters of the plugin residing in Plugin Slot A of the corresponding tab.