left idle for however long you have the AutoShut Time set as (3min, 5min, 10min, 15min, 20min,
or No AutoShutDown)
d) Enter/Select
In any working status, click the icon or file to select an option.
e) Directional Keys
to choose the files or options you want to select.
f) Entering Sub-Menu
Click the
icon to enter any sub-menu.
g) Exit Sub-Menu
return to previous Menu, and
to Main Menu.
h) Hidden Control icon
to hide Control icons. Press anywhere on the screen to display the control bar again.
i) Reset
If the screen freezes, you must Reset your device. This may be due to unstable data files, or
pressing the touch screen too quickly. Use a pin and press the Reset button on the back side of
the player. The screen will shut down. Turn the player back on to resume playback. You may
also need to calibrate the screen after a reset is performed. All your files will remain intact.