Improper use of this product may lead to property damage, serious bodily injury, or death! Users must
read and follow all instructions and safety precautions carefully. Users are responsible for all
consequences caused by not following these instructions. Concept Evolution, Inc. does not bear legal
liability for users’ improper operation in accordance with the law.
The SlingBoard products were created for fitness purposes only, specifically flat distance land paddling.
Do not use SlingBoard products for commuting or transportation, doing so in areas with pedestrians,
high elevations, or where automobiles travel may cause property damage, injury or death to the rider or
Do not SlingBoard in areas where skateboarding is illegal, only SlingBoard in safe open areas like
parks or trails where skateboarding is permitted.
Always wear protective gear when SlingBoarding. This includes a well fitted helmet, wrist guards, knee
pads, elbow pads, and athletic sneakers. Be sure to wear a helmet that meets or exceeds the safety
standards of the U.S Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), and does not interfere with your
movement, vision, or hearing when riding.
For your safety, do not SlingBoard if you are pregnant.
The SlingStick should always remain out to your side, at least one foot out from the edge of the
SlingBoard. Keep the SlingStick out that distance from the SlingBoard to minimize any chance of it
hitting the board or wheels, which could cause an abrupt stop and serious injury.
SlingBoarding is not recommended for children under the age of 12.
Inspect your SlingBoard and SlingStick before every ride; look for problems that may need repair. Get
professional help if needed to repair any damaged parts before you ride to prevent injury.
Always survey the area before you SlingBoard, inspecting surfaces for potholes, rocks, and other
debris. Avoid any areas where those are found to avoid injury.
Never SlingBoard in the dark, or in wet slippery conditions.
SlingBoard on smooth even surfaces to maintain the most control, pavement is optimal.
Never ride with more than one person on a SlingBoard.
Do not SlingBoard over ramps, as doing so may cause serious injury.
Do not attempt “tricks” or “stunts” on your SlingBoard as doing so may cause serious injury.
Do not SlingBoard under the influence of any substances that may impair your vision, decision making,
reaction time, or movement.