SRP & SRP-IP user manual
User Operation
General operation
1. Turn on the main power switch for the bow thruster.
(NB: Always turn off the main power switch when not on-board.)
2. Turn on the control panel by pushing the/ both “ON” button(s) on the original Sleipner panel simultaneously.
*Turn off the control panel by pushing the “OFF” button
3. To Turn the bow/ stern in the desired direction:
The following is an operation guide to ALL Sleipner control products. Ensure to familiarise yourself with the functionality and operation of your specifi c
control device.
Take time to practice operation in open water to become familiar with the thruster and to avoid damages to your boat or people.
Hold Button
+ or -
Will increase or decrease the holding force output of the thrusters
Button control panels
For button control, push the button in the
corresponding direction you wish the bow/ stern to move.
Joystick control panels
For joystick control, move the joystick in the direction
you wish the bow/ stern to move.
(NB: If equipped for proportional control move the joystick equivalent to the amount of thrust you intend to receive.)
* For other controls like foot switches or toggle-switches please refer to that products user manual for detailed operational use.
Hold functionality
If equipped with ‘hold’ functionality push the button in the corresponding direction you wish the thrusters to engage a holding pattern:
Operating a combined bow and stern thruster
The combination of a bow and stern thruster offers total manoeuvrability to move the bow and the stern separately from each other or in unison. This
enables the boat to move sideways in both directions or turn the boat around a 360º axis while staying stationary.
Remote controls
Depending on the sideways speed of the bow/ stern, you must disengage the control device shortly before the vessel is in the desired position.
(NB: Be aware the boat will continue to move after disengaging the thruster control.)
Remote control
orientated with
the vessel
Remote control
orientated opposite
to the vessel
At any signifi cant cruising speed (+1-2 kn) the side thruster will have little effect to steer the vessel.
The remote control design reflects the vessel for orientation guidance. Be aware of the remote control orientation during operation.
Please refer to the graphic for special considerations relating to your model
Proportional Control Panel
For additional information on your control panel or device refer to your control devices user manual
*Bow thruster
installation only
*Combination Bow and
stern thruster installation
*Stern thruster
installation only
*Stern thruster
installation only
*Bow thruster
installation only
*Combination Bow and
stern thruster installation
*Combination Bow and
stern thruster installation
*Combination Bow and
stern thruster installation
*Control panel example
*Control panel example
*Control panel example
*Control panel example
Activating the bow thruster
Using your control device/ panel Press the button or move the
joystick in the direction you intend to turn the boat. Ensure to use the
control device/ panel designated for the bow thruster.
Activating the stern thruster
Using your control device/ panel Press the button or move the
joystick in the direction you intend to turn the boat. Ensure to use
the control device/ panel designated for the stern thruster.
Activating stationary spin to rotate the boat on its axis
Using your control device/ panel Press both buttons or move the
joysticks in opposing directions. Requires both a bow and stern
thruster to preform.
Activating full sidewards maneuverer
Using your control device/ panel Press both buttons or move the
joysticks in the same direction you intend to move the boat. Requires
both a bow and stern thruster to preform.
Proportional Control
Variable thrust power for proportional thrusters is dependent on the
extent of the joystick/ throttle.
For minimal thrust slightly move the joystick/ throttle in one direction.
For Maximum thrust move the joystick/ throttle to its end point.