The Supervisor's Role in Preventing Accidents
The Jumper's Role in Preventing Accidents
It is the responsibility of the supervisors of trampoline users to provide knowledgeable and mature supervision. They need
to know and enforce all of the rules and warnings printed in this manual to minimize the likelihood of accidents and
injuries. They also need to inform users of these rules. During periods of time when supervision is unavailable or inade-
quate, this may require that the trampoline is taken down, placed in a secure area, or otherwise secured against unautho-
rized use. Another option that may be considered is covering the trampoline with a heavy tarp that can be secured with
locks and chains.
Hazards Associated with High Winds
A trampoline can be moved or blown over by high winds. Anyone in its path may be injured if this happens. If you expect
high winds, take down or move the trampoline to a sheltered location.
The only sure method to protect your trampo-
line and the surrounding environment during high winds is to completely disassemble the unit and store
Damage due to wind or weather is not warranted.
Education on the part of the user is a must for safety. Users must first learn a low, controlled bounce and then learn the
basic landing positions and combinations before proceeding to intermediate skills. Jumpers must understand why they
have to master "control" before they can start thinking about other moves. Understanding the proper progression of skills
in jumping on a trampoline must be the first lesson. For further information or additional instructional materials, contact a
certified trampoline instructor.
For the Supervisor
Read the instructions before using the trampoline. Enforce all of the safety rules. Become familiar with the information in
this manual so you can help new users learn basic jumps and all users follow trampoline safety. All trampoline users must
have mature, knowledgeable supervision, regardless of their skill or age. This trampoline is not recommended for use by
children under 3 years of age. Inspect the trampoline before using it. Do not use the trampoline without the frame pad
securely in place to cover the frame. Do not use the trampoline in wet or windy conditions. A worn or damaged mat,
spring, or frame piece should be replaced immediately.
Learn fundamental jumps and body positions thoroughly before trying more advanced skills. Know your own limits in
performing each of the trampoline jumps.
Stop your bounce by flexing your knees as your feet come in contact with the trampoline mat. Learn this skill before
attempting any others.