Radio Equipment
Failure to use the recommended servos, output arms, extensions, and hardware may re-
sult in a loss of control!
Throughout this manual we make use of various types of servos and radio equipment!
We have used JR equipment during the installation process. If you make use of
another manufacturer, please use equipment with similar specifications!
The Viper will require extension leads! Please use high quality extension leads. Make
use of ceramic non ferrite cores if leads exceeds 1 meter.
The trend nowadays is to use dual battery management systems and dual RX equip-
ment. With the introduction of 2.4 Ghz even quad RX systems are considered as nor-
mal for a jet model.
Always center and install the correct output arms while on the bench, once the servo is
in the aircraft access to the servo arm screw is sometimes limited. The JR Matchbox
makes this task very easy without using the complete radio system on the work bench.
Do not save any money when buying radio equipment. The price of servo’s are far
from the price of replacing the entire model.
REMEMBER: The best equipment is only as good as the weakest link. Ask yourself if this
servo or link or lead etc is worthy of my trust to protect my very large investment...
Assembly & Operation Manual