Skybox version 11.7.100
Chapter 7
Updating the operating system on Skybox Appliance
You might need to update the CentOS operating system on your Skybox Appliance (for
example, after bug fixes or security patches are released for the operating system).
Updates to the operating system do not affect Skybox.
Note: These updates can only be applied to CentOS version 7 or higher. The operating system
update is cumulative; you can upgrade to the latest version from any previous CentOS 7 based
Appliance ISO release.
Important: Skybox does not support 3rd-party packages installed on Skybox Appliance by the
customer. Installing a 3rd party package might cause a future Appliance operating system
upgrade patch to fail due to dependencies introduced by the 3rd party package.
Before you start the update
The Skybox model and important operating system files can be saved as part of the update
procedure or you can save them manually. Changes that you made in Skybox settings files are
not saved as part of the update; back them up manually before updating CentOS.
The backed-up files are at
To update the operating system
Note: The machine reboots as part of the update process.
1. Download the following files to your machine (not to the Skybox Appliance server), where
is the patch number:
2. Copy
to the Skybox Appliance server using SCP.
3. Copy
to the same directory using SCP.
4. Connect to the Skybox Appliance server via SSH using skyboxview credentials.
5. Navigate to the directory where you saved the files.
6. Verify that the update file was copied with no mistakes:
md5sum -c Skybox_<patch>.appliance_update.md5
The output should be
Skybox_<patch>.appliance_update: OK
7. Install the update:
sudo /bin/sh Skybox_<patch>.appliance_update
The update procedure begins.