Finishing Touches
After washing your motorcycle,consider using
a commercially-available spray cleaner/polish or
quality liquid or paste wax to finish the job. Use
only a non-abrasive polish or wax made
s p e c i f i c a l l y f o r m o t o r c y c l e s o r
automobiles.Apply the polish or wax according
to the instructions on the container.
Washing the motorcycle
1.Rinse the motorcycle thoroughly with cool
water to remove loose dirt.
2.Clean the motorcycle with a sponge or soft
cloth using cool water.
Avoid directing water to muffler outlets and
electrical parts.
3.Clean the plastic parts using a cloth or sponge
dampened with a solution of milk detergent and
water.Rub the soiled area gently rinsing it
frequently with fresh water.
Take care to keep brake fluid or chemical
solvents off the motorcycle.
They will damage the plastic and painted
4.After cleaning,rinse the motorcycle thoroughly
with plenty of clean water. Strong detergent
residue can corrode alloy parts.
5.Dry the motorcycle,start the engine, and let it
run for several minutes.
6 . Te s t t h e b r a k e s b e f o r e r i d i n g t h e
motorcycle.Several applications may be
n e c e s s a r y t o r e s t o r e n o r m a l b r a k i n g
7.Lubricate the drive chain immediately after
washing and drying the motorcycle.
Braking efficiency may be temporarily impaired
immediately after washing the motorcycle.
Anticipate longer stopping distance to avoid a
possible accident.