Chameleon CoaXPress Camera Simulator User Guide
Figure 4: CoaXPress system connection
Chameleon LEDs
Each CoaXPress link of the Camera Simulator equipment with indication bi-color LED.
The LEDs behaves according to the defined in section 5.4 of the CXP standard. The
possible LED’s states described in Table 2.
LED state
Solid orange
System is not initialized
Slow pulse red
No frame grabber is connected to the system
Solid green
Frame grabber is connected, no data being
Slow pulse orange
Frame grabber connected. Waiting for
trigger event
Fast flash green
Frame grabber connected , data is being
Slow flash alternate green / orange
Connection test packets being sent
Table 2: CoaXPress links status LED’s
In additional to CoaXPress links LEDs, the Chameleon Board is equipped with status
Installation and Configurations
Chameleon Simulator
CoaXPress Frame Grabber