For side cutting
Required tools:
2.5 mm L wrench
Flathead screwdriver (not included)
a. Remove both set screws from each
blade adaptor, thread them into the
opposite holes in the blade adaptor
perpendicular to the adaptor pin
(Fig. 21).
b. Repeat above steps a & b in
instructions for front cutting.
Each end of blade should not protrude
from the ends of adaptors (Fig. 22).
Permanent mounting of scroll
saw to workbench (Fig. 23)
If scroll saw is to be used in a permanent lo-
cation, it should be fastened securely to a firm
supporting surface such as a stand or work-
bench using the three mounting holes.
1. Each of the three mounting holes should be
bolted securely using bolts 1/4” (6 mm) (not
included). The bolt lengths should be at least
3-1/2” (90 mm) long for the workbench that
is 1-1/2” (38 mm) thick.
2. Locate and mark where the saw is to be
3. Drill three holes 5/16" (8 mm) through the
4. Place the scroll saw on the workbench and align the holes in base with the holes drilled in
5. Insert three bolts and tighten securely with washers and nuts.
Fig. 21
Fig. 22
Fig. 23