Introduction to the SKF Strobe Light
Display Panel / Definition of Buttons
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Strobe Light
The Strobe Light is ideally suited for:
Inspection of High Speed Rotating Parts
Motion Analyses, or Phase Shift Measurement
Over speed Trip Tests
Online coupling Inspections
RPM / RPS Measurements
All applications suited to a general purpose,
phase shifting stroboscope
The Strobe Light can also be used as a highly
accurate, remote electronic digital tachometer for
direct measurement of RPM / RPS (speed) without
special reflective tape or markings. RPM results are
updated and displayed approximately every half
second on the LCD display.
Display Panel / Definition of Buttons
Display Panel
The display panel consists of a backlit liquid crystal
display with six numeric digits on top and five
alphanumeric digits on the bottom, which indicate
modes, flash rates, etc.